Many of these were written during my math class; I'm not sure why, but it seemed a scenario conducive to writing. I'd be happy to let anyone use my poetry, as long as they ask and give me credit. Thanks for visiting!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

You asked me to take a bullet for you
I will, but first I say:
why is it that my love of loves
cannot move out the way.

My life is worth no thing to me,
except for what it gives,
and so, I lose myself for good:
the good that you might live.

I've given up so much for others,
meals and school and clothes,
and now I'm asked to drop one more thing:
that rotten life I loathe.

But now I think, why does it stink?
There is but one lone reason.
I've given all my good away
to those who live in treason.

Thinking back now, for this time,
instead I've changed my mind.
You'd take my life and leave me dead?
Instead, fuck you; I'll stay alive.

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