Many of these were written during my math class; I'm not sure why, but it seemed a scenario conducive to writing. I'd be happy to let anyone use my poetry, as long as they ask and give me credit. Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Writing Down My Dreams

In my head,

a flow of ideas

of fabulously fictional escapes,

and so I said,

"well, paper, here's

a run through for the fates."

And once I started,

I could not stop it

and wrote out Morphean lies.

I wrote bitches, cold hearted,

who went out and fought it.

Now, their bodies are lieing piled.

So, gruesome and gory,

but broken, distorted, her

feelings bursting at the seams

for a story, see,

of truths distorted, sure

just writing down my dreams.

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