Many of these were written during my math class; I'm not sure why, but it seemed a scenario conducive to writing. I'd be happy to let anyone use my poetry, as long as they ask and give me credit. Thanks for visiting!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sonnet: Freedom

Are you free when you escape the cages,
do you stay enslaved to corporate wages?
These questions are ones that I want opined
but even as I'm asking such, it's sin.

I know those who say, "yes and no." I rue
both, no and yes, as well and so I do
not know what I can say to be the truth.
All sides I see do share the same un-proof.

But what do I think when I ask these words?
We're certain not as free as be the birds;
are we though enslaved to corporations?
The answer: have we free imaginations?

If anyone can think that which he wants,
then suits and money do not have him bought.

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