Sunday, September 4, 2011
The Idiocy of Age, and Growing
Monday, August 29, 2011
Where I am From
Friday, June 17, 2011
Waiting at the RMV
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Last Will in Testament
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
The Gracchi Brothers
This is the story of two roman brothers:
Gaius and Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus.
They were a people opposed to wrong doing
but were killed by the people as the maenads of Bacchus.
Tiberius, the older one was,
was a Tribune of Plebs a speaker for thus:
he wanted the land from Marian Proscriptions
to be reallotted and give all equal sections.
“This would not do” thought the Senate at once
“but he's a Tribune and election's in months!”
so, since such waiting would have not been prudent
the Senate did something, most know that they shouldn't.
The Senate spread lies, some slick, sly deceits,
and had him put down, killed with their seats.
This angry mob was led by his cousin,
of the cognomen Nasica, a Scipio in a dozen.
Now only stood Gracchus, 'twas just Gaius now,
and eleven years thence, it's a more Gracchi show.
For here, once again, was a Gracchi a commie,
opposed by senatorial Drusus, Marcus Livy.
After an incident, a death on the Capitol
Opimius and Drusus marched and he fell.
But those men did not kill him, that Gracchus of scorn
for he fled to the Janiculum and fell on his sword
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
The Dove and the Wolf
What life I see for youths, these two,
A boy, a wolf, finds ancient truths
That Ovid Naso did, see, find
And in finding removed rind.
But dove, the girl, that beautied one
Did escape the one with gun
But only such with help of wolf
Who found and wrapped the dove in wool.
This avoidance, this escape was
Not eternal; she met her fate.
As this beauty lived, nay, I say flourished,
With this girls death, I say, died courage
And nevermore shall hope employ
Her sovereign over me, this boy.
This boy has lived, his time, though short,
Was long enough for him to court
That one true lover, that life that lives,
And his one true dream that life, it gives,
And without that life he’s split
And so from his he does ragequit
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Sonnet: Freedom
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Sonnets: Declaration
Monday, January 10, 2011
A Birthday Wish
What is a birthday? Just a day
for you to see what the cards do say.
Since nothing on them just right seems
to show your hopes for the year, your dreams,
the disappointment of inertial strain
does carry on and strain your brain;
and this strain you feel, this stress,
does grow and thrive once you have dressed.
Because the day has passed sans change,
and naught you see is rearranged,
you may feel you'll 'ever be
trapped in anonymity,
but this is just a passing phase
and joy you'll see in the coming days.
How can you know what I say is true?
I have been there, for "I" is you.